Thursday, August 7, 2008

A thank you for my daughter

The other night my dear daughter decided she wanted to buy me a bicycle. She even equipped it with a headlight and taillight for night riding. We got back home around 11:00 after riding around the neighborhood and I waited for her to go to bed so I could make her a thank you card. Well, here it is but next time I won't try to make a card when it's way past my bedtime. Looks kinda bland to me and I can look at it and tell myself I should have done this or that. But bottom line I wanted it to be there for her when she got up in the morning.


  1. how fun!!! and how sweet to buy you a bike :) quit being so hard on yourself woman! this is a really sweet card and i think you did great on that bike!

  2. ps.. i forgot to mention..on a persnal note.. look its got a basket for her to use for garbage.. if she can ride faster than you ,you'd have no way of going near it ;)

  3. Do not fret, my friend, this is a darling card and I know your daughter loved it. How sweet of her to get you a bike.

  4. Oh how lovely of your dd to buy you a bike !! and that is such a sweet card !!!
